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Red Eye

Red eye can occur in one or both eyes, and it can be associated with several symptoms, including:

·         Irritation           Burning

·         Itching              Dryness

·         Pain                  Discharge

·         Watery eyes     Sensitivity to light

·         Blurry vision

Sometimes bloodshot eyes may have no symptoms other than redness.

Red eye is a very common eye problem and occur due to many possible causes. It usually is a symptom of other probable eye conditions that can range from benign to serious.

Causes of Red Eye 


Red eyes are usually caused by dry eye allergy, eye fatigue, digital strain, over-wearing contact lenses, or common eye infections such as pink eye (conjunctivitis). However, redness of the eye sometimes can signal a more serious eye condition or disease, such as glaucoma, trauma, uveitis , corneal ulcer , post-surgery.


Environmental causes of red, bloodshot eyes include:

·Airborne allergens (causing eye allergies)

·Air pollution

·Smoke (fire-related, second-hand cigarette smoke,etc.)

·Dry air (arid climates, airplane cabins, office buildings,etc.)


·Airborne fumes (gasoline, solvents, etc.)

·Chemical exposure (chlorine in swimming pools, etc.)

·Overexposure to sunlight (without UV-blocking sunglasses)


Getting rid of Red Eye 


Because red eyes have so many causes (including some that are serious and require immediate attention), you should see your eye doctor right away if you have red, bloodshot eyes — especially if the redness comes on suddenly and is associated with discomfort or blurred vision.

Also, consult with your eye doctor before using any eye drops. If you are already using any eye drops frequently over a period of time, you may start needing to use them more often to keep red eye from coming back. And you might experience more severe red eye symptoms if you stop using the drops.

For the best and safest way to get rid of red eyes, consult with your eye doctor to determine the cause of your red eyes and receive the most effective treatment options.

Until you can visit your nearest eye clinic about your red eye problem, remove your contact lenses (if you wear them) and wear your glasses instead. And bring your contact lenses with you to your appointment so your eye doctor can evaluate whether your contact lenses are causing your red eyes.

You also may want to moisten your eyes frequently with lubricating eye drops until you can see your eye specialist.


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